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How to use

  1. You will need to modify the Passwordless.init(...) function call.
  2. Component overrides can be configured at override.components config object.
  3. Pick a component that you'd like to override by its key.
  4. Supply a React component against the key you have picked. Your custom component will get the original component as a prop.


import React from "react";import { SuperTokensWrapper } from "supertokens-auth-react";import { ThirdpartyPasswordlessComponentsOverrideProvider } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartypasswordless";
import octocat from "./octocat.png";
function App() {    return (        <SuperTokensWrapper>            <ThirdpartyPasswordlessComponentsOverrideProvider                components={{                    // In this case, the <ThirdPartyPasswordlessHeader_Override>                     // will render the original component                    // wrapped in a div with an octocat picture above it.                    ThirdPartyPasswordlessHeader_Override: ({ DefaultComponent, ...props }) => {                        return (                            <div>                                <img src={octocat} />                                <DefaultComponent {...props} />                            </div>                        );                    }                }}>                {/* Rest of the JSX */}            </ThirdpartyPasswordlessComponentsOverrideProvider>        </SuperTokensWrapper>    );}export default App;
Prebuilt sign up or log in UI with custom image

Please make sure that the file in which this config is specified is a .tsx or .jsx file type.

Finding which component will be overridden#

To do that, you should use React Developer Tools extension which provides a component tree inspector.


Checking which component from the prebuilt UI will be overridden using React Developer Tools extension
  1. Look for the names defined in component override config and/or components ending in _Override in the component tree.
  2. Ensure that's the component you want to override
  3. Overide the component as stated above.

How do I render the original component#

Because the override function receives the original component as a parameter, you can render it. To do this, simply use it in JSX. Don't forget to supply original props by spreading them.

import React from "react";import { SuperTokensWrapper } from "supertokens-auth-react";import { ThirdpartyPasswordlessComponentsOverrideProvider } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartypasswordless";
function App() {    return (        <SuperTokensWrapper>            <ThirdpartyPasswordlessComponentsOverrideProvider                components={{                    ThirdPartyPasswordlessHeader_Override: ({ DefaultComponent, ...props }) => {                        return (                            <>                                <h1>I'm a header that you added above original component</h1>                                <DefaultComponent {...props} />                            </>                        )                    }                }}>                {/* Rest of the JSX */}            </ThirdpartyPasswordlessComponentsOverrideProvider>        </SuperTokensWrapper>    );}export default App;
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supertokens-web-js / mobile